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Friday, November 19, 2010

Pages, a New Chapter

Blogger now provides individual pages like those found on competing blogging platforms. Technically, every post is a separate page, but posts are (usually) necessarily brief; if The OddBlog were a book, posts would be more like paragraphs. That is the structure I'm going for when preparing the Pages.

I know this is a more involved process but it is technically correct, and the results will be worth it; if I do workarounds from the start, it's just going to be that much harder to deconstruct and correct in the future.

I don't know where the Pages will appear or anything yet, as I have only looked into them briefly, but I will let you know more about them once I get to that point. As I am also toying with the design, I have no ETA for that announcement.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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