A while back, I wrote a defense of Modified Newtonian Dynamics, or MOND: The application of Newton's Laws to the Universe, at-large. Within, I (correctly) noted that there is no evidence for black holes; the only evidence is some extremely wonky math, which even the experts confessed to having messed up in the first place!
Then alleged that they had finally found the first black hole within a week of confessing to their ignorance and buffoonery.
That these mathematical assumptions had been around for over a century, yet absolutely zero evidence to back them up had been collected, yet not one of these MENSA mathletes had realized they'd
accidentally put the wrong sign in the right place is one thing. That their mathematics magically worked simply by replacing a fundamental operation leading to one of the greatest astronomical discoveries in human history is another.
It's going to
sound like I'm calling "shenanigans..."
The reason this is so important is because this is the same community of pinheads who have hounded and crucified people like myself for longer than their bonehead "theory" of black holes has been around. These
Skeptic "journalists" and James Randi Institute members in good standing have literally made careers out of libeling and slandering literally everyone who has had the temerity to question their all-encompassing authority on all things "real" and imagined.
And they can't even do Math. How are you going to write someone a check for $1,000,000 when you can't even count to 15 with your shoes off? Or, and also, when you do not have $1mn (and never did).
I believe it was Arthur C. Clarke who wrote the book,
White Holes, which I both own and have read. Even
suggesting that white holes must exist because black holes do is adhering to MOND -- a rather slavish, pedantic adherence, at that.
The recent college admissions scandal simply proves what I, and many others, have insisted for decades: These assholes are not qualified to chime-in where any of these matters are concerned. Furthermore, these self-styled "sciencers" and "Skeptics" are literally nothing more than paid shills committing Libel with every pen stroke and chicken-pecked screed they shit out.
This was truly ignorant and the people responsible are truly Guilty of both erecting The Church of Science and vandalizing its edifice -- televangelists of a
Buzzfeed listicle of hypotheses they didn't even realize they did not comprehend. Book sellers of ghost-written bullshit -- peddlers of their own disregard for the most fundamental structure of Science: The Scientific Method. After all, if you're going to make it your very faith, you should be confident in that decision and seek to excel in the field, no?
We've shown you actual, (alleged) nuclear-powered spacecraft; the actual (alleged chupacabra; videos of the Haunebu test flight (which have since disappeared); and more. We have backed-up these "revelations" with patent information, illustrations, and outright confessions from these very people, themselves.
Now, we plan to show you the true "Fake News." The true pundits and conspirators behind all World Wars: The Industrialists, Lobbyists, and Demagogues that constitute "The Status Quo," and professionals and leaders within their communities. We can't always discern the difference, so we proffer the following for you to decide:
The Weirding, 2019