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Friday, November 5, 2010

Ghost Adventures - USS Hornet

The Ghost Adventures crew investigates the USS Hornet, often called a floating coffin. It was one of the most decorated aircraft carriers in World War II, during which it saw numerous battles. The USS Hornet and her crew were responsible for taking down over 1,000 aircraft and sinking 76 ships. But while WWII was bad enough, the even darker side of the Hornet is that it had the highest suicide rate of any ship in the Navy.

Although the ship is now resting peacefully in San Francisco, many people believe the spirits of the crew are still fighting the war. The sick bay is home to countless claims of paranormal happenings. One visitor plays an EVP of someone screaming, "GET OUT!"

Between the pain of war, the cramped quarters, and the length of time these men spent at sea, there is plenty reason for their spirits and energy to linger on the ship. One of the best examples of evidence the boys catch is the voice of a man yelling, "RUN," as though the ship were under attack.

Zak discusses the USS Hornet here. Check out Ghost Adventures tonight on the Travel Channel (check local listings).

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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