I know I said I was going to try and fix all the blogs throughout the weekend so I could move on to other projects on the site, but I am just going to have to do it a little at a time. I finally figured out how to get my computer running at near-normal speed again but I just figured it out earlier, so I'm just now getting to a lot of things I had planned online.
The Rundown is chockful of press releases today - all of them I didn't get to over the week (and several that came in all at once yesterday) - and I may have another thing or two to mention over there, but I am going to have a few things to post here today and tomorrow and may even get to a little formatting as well.
I really do apologize for not having taken The OddBlog as seriously as I did the old one - I take it seriously, I just mean not being here as often as I was on the old one. That was before I had the website and all. But if I can just get things to a certain point with The Weirding, I should be able to commit to at least one or two posts a day and be able to handle that. I mean, that isn't asking too much of me...
You know, I had something to tell you - which is why I started this post in the first place - but whatever it was... must not have been that important?
Oh! I wanted to tell you that I have yet to receive one of those damned error messages I was getting all the time since I moved to the new host! Knock wood and all, but I thought you might like to know.