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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Joe Rogan, Dave Foley, and Paul Greenberg Discuss the Unexplained

Joe Rogan's Lunch with Erich von Daniken

While you may not be a fan of Joe Rogan, or The Joe Rogan Experience, this brief clip from his podcast featuring Dave Foley and Paul Greenberg delves into many of the topics we explore here to The OddBlog.  Rogan's interest in these subjects is well-known -- he even hosted a SyFy show entitled Joe Rogan Questions Everything in which he explored them.

Rogan's healthy interest is tempered by an equally healthy skepticism, particularly toward the more outlandish.  The clip's title is perhaps misleading, as von Daniken is hardly mentioned during a wide-ranging discussion covering Bigfoot, UFOlogy, lost civilizations, and more.

The Joe Rogan Experience broadcasts live on YouTube irregularly, and features a range of guests covering a wide variety of subjects, including the Unexplained.  He and Dave Foley co-starred in the 1990's TV show, NewsRadio.

© The Weirding, 2019

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