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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Remember When Clowns Predicted the Weather?

Hurricane Matthew
Hurricane Matthew
2016 was an odd year for many reasons, but some of the most interesting events involved clowns -- yes, clowns.

Starting around August of 2016, people began spotting "evil" clowns lurking about mostly wooded areas in numerous Western countries, including America, Canada, and the UK. Shortly thereafter, the clown sightings spread around the globe. In all, scary clowns would appear in some 18 countries worldwide, resulting in police reports and panic.

Costume shops in New Zealand refused to carry clown costumes, as did Target stores. Russian Embassy officials in London warned British and Russian citizens against dressing as clowns, as did American police across the country. Professional clowns in Brazil protested whatever was going on.

That this should occur around the time of Halloween caused many to dismiss the incidents as nothing more than media-induced hysteria... but then came the hurricane.

And the clown sightings stopped.

© The Weirding, 2017

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