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5 Cults from the 1960s and 1970s

By Nancy Wong - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, America, and the Western World in ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ghost Adventures - Pico House Hotel

The Pico House Hotel in Los Angeles has seen everything from lavish parties to a bloody race riot at it's doorstep. The building's history reaches back to before Los Angeles was a part of the United States. The Ghost Adventures crew will team up with the Hollywood Ghost Hunters to tackle the Pico House Hotel's dramatic history. Kane Hodder ("Jason"), R.A. Mihailoff ("Leatherface"), and stuntman Rick McCallum join Zak, Nick, and Aaron for the very first paranormal lockdown at this hotel.

In 1880, a shootout between Chinese gangs resulted in the death of an anglo police officer. There were already strong racial tensions in the community and the accident fueled the fire. What resulted was a bloody, racially-charged riot that led to the deaths of 19 people right in front of the Pico House Hotel. The angry and violent energy from that riot continues to have an effect on the hotel today.

One guard recalls hearing noises on the floor below him. As he walked down the stairs to investigate the noise, he was violently kicked in the back by an unseen force. He promptly quit his job the next morning. 

Maybe Jason from Friday the 13th and Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre III can draw these violent spirits out to play.

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

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