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By Nancy Wong - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, America, and the Western World in ...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ghost Adventures - Amargosa Opera House

Ghost Adventures
The Ghost Adventurers
The Amargosa Opera House is located in the middle of a very tiny town in Death Valley, California -- one of the most barren locations in the United States.  The huge structure sets on a defunct, 280-acre, borax mining complex and has played host to countless accidents, suicides, and deaths.

Guests struggle to stay the whole night at the hotel thanks to what is not just a paranormal presence, but a paranormal infestation.  The employees strongly believe there are a number of guests who "never checked out."  One of the main reasons the Ghost Adventures crew made the decision to come to the opera house is the un-renovated section called "Spooky Hollow."

Within this area are said to be several individual spirits with distinct personalities.  One of these spirits is known as "Boss Man" and, true to his name, he likes to pick on men -- specifically, big, macho men. 

The Amargosa Opera House should be the exact type of location Zak, Nick, and Aaron like to investigate.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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