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5 Cults from the 1960s and 1970s

By Nancy Wong - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, America, and the Western World in ...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Man Made Pact with Lord of Death to Kill

Argentine police say they have arrested a 22-year-old man in connection with at least six murders, and possibly more. Marcelo "Marcelito" Antelo is said to have made a pact with a spirit known as San La Muerte, the Lord of Death, in which Antelo would kill one person a week in return for his prosperity and the protection of himself and his family.

San La Muerte is said to have a large following amongst Argentina's poor and disenfranchised, mainly in the prisons and shantytowns. The figure emerged from these poor, where elements of Roman Catholicism often blend with other legends. Usually, followers will ask the spirit for a bountiful harvest, protection, or prosperity, but they also pray to San La Muerte for the death of others.

Antelo is being charged with all six murders, but police say he may be charged with others as the case develops. The murders did not receive much media coverage because the victims were poor and lived in neighborhoods even the police are reluctant to enter.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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