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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Weekly World News Ceases Publication

Weekly World News will cease print publication as of its August 27th issue.

American Media Inc. (AMI), also publisher of The National Enquirer, made the announcement this week.  Weekly World News, "The World’s Only Reliable Newspaper," has been in circulation for almost 30 years.  It focused on such stories as Bat Boy, Bigfoot, and aliens.  Of course, most of these were along the lines of Bigfoot babies, alien babies, and... well, Bat Boy.

In recent years, the newspaper dropped its former yellow journalism -- which was almost always just this side of believability -- in favor of completely absurd, (barely) humorous articles, such as "Carpenter Discovers What Put Hole in Ozone," "Merman Caught in South Pacific," and "Al Capone's Ghost Storms White House" (those are actual headlines the paper carried!).

Strangely enough, Weekly World News sometimes actually had real news disguised as junk reporting.  In fact, a few years back, they "scooped" the major media outlets with a doctored pic of Saddam Hussein in a diaper.

AMI said the online version will continue.

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