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By Nancy Wong - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, America, and the Western World in ...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Things What Done Fell From the Sky, Pt. 5

In this episode, we turn our attentions to the 17th-Century for a few choice droppings:
  • A great quantity of something described as “like blue silk” fell over Naumburg, Germany on March 23rd, 1665.
  • Seeds of ivy berries were found inside hailstones that fell over Wiltshire, England, in the winter of 1687.
  • Flakes of a coal-black material which smelled of rotten seaweed fell over the fresh snow near what is now Klaipedia, Lithuania in 1687. Some flakes were as large as tabletops and tore like paper. The substance had no smell once dried. Many specimens were preserved for over 150 years and, when examined, was found to be comprised of green algae and around 29 species of protozoans (miniscule sea creatures).
The first account of the silklike material may also have been algae and/or aquatic-based, as many of the objects which fall in vast quantities seem to tend to be. Of course, there are many exceptions - such as flesh and blood, stones, and more - but there may very well be something to the popular notion that at least some of these events are caused by localized waterspouts. I tend to disagree though.

While there may very well be some sort of “natural” atmospheric phenomena behind it, waterspouts that only pick up specific objects seems illogical. This is not to say that these events are Supernatural, just that waterspouts and similar “logical” explanations would have been recorded at the time of the events and are never present - not sometimes, not occasionally; to my knowledge, a waterspout or tornadic activity has never been reported in association with these occurrences.

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